Thursday, November 11, 2010

Digital Tool 4: Website

My Website

Creating a website I found very frustrating as the process seemed very slow and time consuming. I am struggling with ideas of how to implement the use of a website into a unit of work. I have thought that a website could be a great communication tool for the teacher to the general class to give updates on what is happening in class and assessment dates. The best idea I have come up with is for the students to design a website for assessment that is on the particular unit of work. You could tie in a lot of numeracy and literacy skills with this but my concern with this assessment is the amount of time it will consume in class. Would love to know other peoples thoughts on implementing this tool into a unit of work.


  1. Hi Ash,
    I like the idea of using a website as assessment. There could be a main theme which is the homepage and then students could have links to different assessment pieces or activities. In HPE, maybe they would need to link it to a video of their progress in a certain sport. Maybe they could have a linking blog which also outlines thier progress???? Also links to information that they need like a diagram of what muscles are in the leg? Science could be used in the similar way, but the video could be of an experiment they have to perform and then the blog is the steps they took leading up to the experiement and then reflecting on the results? I'm struggling for content sorry. As you know, science and HPE are definately not my specialty :)

  2. Buuuuutttt... April and Ash, you MUST consider not just reporting, but higher order thinking. Generally, a website (and this is only my opinion) is used to report the results of an investigation, or inquiry process. Or at its minimum, just a summary of information within a given heading or topic. So how would you include thinking in your plan? How would you push analysis, evaluation, synthesis with your students? Where would you support the Ways of Working?

  3. Hi Wendy,

    Possibly higher order thinking would come in the form of allowing the students to come up with their own idea for the assignment and creating criteria by which it would be judged and then allowing the class as a whole to judge and justify according to these criteria? The website could just be the medium by which it is presented and accessed by the class......But that could come with any form of assessment rather then just a website.

  4. April, Thankyou they were some great ideas for the use of a website but I'm still not keen on implimenting them as I have considered Wendy's point as there is no higher order thinking going on. A lot of links can be added to the page demonstrating different activites (eg blogs) but at the end of the day I see a website as digital title page for an assignment.
