Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Digital Tool 2: Concept Map

Eric Frangenheim (2006) discusses how concept maps provide the know and learn elements to a unit and are closely linked to the thinking strategy of K.W.H.L. Constructing a digital concept map allows the student to personalize and make alterations and additions which can reflect what the student has learnt. I find that the use of a concept map would be effective at the beginning of a topic as used in this course. By the student identifying the key points then elaborating linking points can start constructing a flow of how the unit can link. Students can see where there journey is heading towards and identify what they must know to achieve the outcome.

I find the use a concept map a great way to identify what I need to know in a subject. In my subject area of science I find them very effective with identifing key concepts and also using images and find my students replicate this process aswell. I would be interest to know if other people have used this strategy personally in there learning or prefer a different strategy.

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